kingdom generosity 

Tithing is the practice of giving to God 10% of what we earn.  Before Moses ever received the Law, we see Abraham & Jacob tithing (Genesis 14 & 28).  In the Law we read multiple affirmations of the command to tithe (Leviticus 27, Numbers 12, Deuteronomy 18).  In Matthew 23.23, we see Jesus affirming the practice of tithing while teaching on mercy and compassion.  This makes it clear to us that tithing is a biblical principle, not just an Old Testament that Jesus nullified.  After all, Jesus said he didn't come to cancel the Law but fulfill the Law (Matthew 5).  We see tithing as obedience.  Generosity is giving above and beyond our tithe.  Last, in Paul's letters to the Corinthians, he urges the churches to pay their pastors and to store up giving so they can disperse it for needs when Paul comes to collect for the need.  We affirm supporting our pastors and our practice of regularly dispersing funds to local and international needs.


Our greatest accountability is to God.  This is true as individuals and as a church/community.  We believe God owns everything since He made it all and that includes what we own, as individuals and as a church.  That means God gets the first and only say in what we should be investing in.  We want to share with you what we are doing in our followership of Jesus.  Below we share our teaching on biblical giving.  Please read that for why we are investing.  This section is about what we are giving to.  We invest a minimal amount into our building.  This allows us to invest more into people.  We invest a lot into our staff, which includes our pastors, our language service pastors, office admin, nursery, and other.  See below for why supporting our pastors are important.  We invest into our ministries.  Our ministries are directly connected to providing programs, events, and age group ministries in our different language ministries.  We also invest in a "GIVE" category.  This is the minimum amount of ministry that we send out of church to support missionaries, disaster relief, refugee programs, low income services, and more.

how to give

cash or check

You can give cash & check donations at our worship services.  There is a donation box in our lobby.  You can also drop your donations off in our mail box.  We have envelopes available to make this easy and to mark you gifts.


You can make a donation online at our website or in our app


You can mail your donations to
2280 Antonio Ave
Camarillo CA 93010


Our finances are maintained by volunteers elected each year by the church.  We report our financial information annually to our denomination.  The relationship with our denomination provides both accountability and wisdom.  We also have various protocols in our bylaws that require accountability in our financials decisions such as hiring, acquisitions, etc. We also audit our books biannually by an outside firm.