Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our church was born with missions in her DNA. We would love to partner with you to make a global difference.

Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is the global missions advocate in every local Nazarene church nurturing a spirit of missions and mobilizing into action. Discover more about NMI!

NAZARENE COMPASSIONATE MINISTRIES (NCM) walks alongside local churches in their efforts to meet the needs of children, families, and communities. Through your partnership, local congregations are changing the world. Visit NCM.org.

Jesus Film
Jesus Film Harvest Partners is a global Nazarene project, partnering with the Jesus Film. We partner with indigenous church planters using solar-powered technology to share the gospel.

work & witness
Every year Nazarenes follow the call to "go and make disciples" by going on trips to work and witness. You can join a team today!

Thousands of lives are transformed through the work of the Holy Spirit and World Mission Broadcast (WMB) programs. WMB began as the Nazarene Radio League in 1944 and has expanded to a global network of programs contextualized for listeners and viewers around the world.
freedom sunday
Human trafficking remains a global tragedy that must be confronted. Nazarenes annually dedicate a Sunday to educate and empower the church to stand up against this evil. Learn more. Give directly.

a history of sending
The Church of the Nazarene started as a merger of several denomination coming together. When we began, we started with missionaries out in the field. Our church is unique in model for missions and our funding strategy. Currently we have 586 missionaries serving in 59 world areas!
missionary guests
We host missionaries every year at our campus. Here's a list of a few of them.

Don & Evie Gardner

Roger & Deysi Lemus

John & Vicki Moore

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faith promise
Faith Promise is our fund supporting missions. When you give to Faith Promise you support missionaries around the world, disaster relief, compassionate projects, and local care. To learn about our current goal and give, click the Faith Promise button below.