
For those who are called to ministry we have an intensive process that begins each fall.  Below is the list if you are feel the call to ministry and want to be a Minister In Development (MID).

first time LOCAL applicant process

RULES: Read/Review the LA District's Policies and Best Practices of this process and the Global Church of the Nazarene's Procedures for Issuing a Local Minister's License
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to start your licensing process.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  2. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for a Local Minister's License 
    2. Local/District Minister's License Candidate Form
    3. Interview Guidelines
    4. Request for Verification of Credential History
    5. Background Check (check with the church office)
  3. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.
  4. STUDY: 
    1. Begin your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center.  In your first year, six classes are required to be completed including the History and Polity class.
    2. Transfer any previous education to the Board of Ministry Secretary.
    3. Attend the Ministry Candidates Weekend (MCW) at least once in this process.
  5. LICENSE: Remind your Lead Pastor to order your Local License Certificate.

renewal of LOCAL applicant process

  1. RULES: Read/Review the LA District's Policies and Best Practices of this process and the Global Church of the Nazarene's Procedures for Renewing a Local Minister's License
  2. ELIGIBLE: To renew a Local License you must have...
    1. Held a Local License for at least one year
    2. Completed 2 courses in the Course of Study
    3. Received a Divorce Barrier Removal if applicable
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to continue your licensing process.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  4. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for Renewal of Local Minister's License
    2. Interview Guidelines
    3. Request for Verification of Credential History (required only once per church you are licensed at)
  5. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.  
  6. STUDY: Continue your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center.
  7. LICENSE: Remind your Lead Pastor to order your Local License Certificate.

first time DISTRICT applicant process

  1. RULES: Read/Review the LA District's Policies and Best Practices of this process and the Global Church of the Nazarene's Sourcebook on Ordination.
  2. ELIGIBLE: To receive a District License you must have...
    1. Held a Local License for at least one year
    2. Completed one fourth (6 classes) of the Course of Study including the History and Polity class.
    3. Received a Divorce Barrier Removal if applicable
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to start/continue your licensing process.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  4. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for a District Minister's License
    2. Board Recommendation to the District Assembly
    3. Interview Guidelines 
    4. A Request for Verification of Credential History
    5. Evaluation Form
    6. Background Check Application
    7. Safety Application Form
    8. Applicants Code of Conduct Form
    9. Removal of a divorce barrier is necessary if applicable and is available by contacting the District Office to obtain the form
  5. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview and your District Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.  Your District Interview will be scheduled after all the forms have been submitted. You can anticipate the following schedule:
    1. First Time MIDs will be scheduled in February
    2. Renewing MIDs will be scheduled in March
    3. Oridnation Candidates will be scheduled for January.
  6. STUDY: 
    1. Continue your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center.  In your first year, six classes are required to be completed including the History and Polity class.
    2. Transfer any previous education to the Board of Ministry Secretary.
    3. Attend the Ministry Candidates Weekend (MCW) at least once in this process.
  7. MENTOR: Confirm your mentor with the District Office.

renewal of DISTRICT applicant process

  1. RULES: Read/Review the LA District's Policies and Best Practices of this process and the Global Church of the Nazarene's Sourcebook on Ordination.
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to start/continue your licensing process.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  3. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for a District Minister's License
    2. Board Recommendation to the District Assembly
    3. Interview Guidelines
    4. Evaluation Form
  4. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview and your District Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.  Your District Interview will be scheduled after all the forms have been submitted. You can anticipate the following schedule:
    1. First Time MIDs will be scheduled in February
    2. Renewing MIDs will be scheduled in March
    3. Oridnation Candidates will be scheduled for January.
  5. STUDY: 
    1. Begin your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center.  In your first year, six classes are required to be completed including the History and Polity class.
    2. Transfer any previous education to the Board of Ministry Secretary.
    3. Attend the Ministry Candidates Weekend (MCW) at least once in this process.
  6. MENTOR: Confirm your mentor with the District Office.

first time LAY MINISTER applicant process

  1. READ
    1. Read Manual 503-503.9.
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to start your licensing process so you can interview with the Pastor.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  3. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for a Lay Minister's License
    2. Request for Verification of Credential History
    3. Background Check (check with the church office)
  4. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.
  5. STUDY:
    1. Begin your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center or the Discipleship Place.  In your first year, TWO classes are required to be completed to renew.
    2. Transfer any previous education to the Board of Ministry Secretary.
  6. LICENSE: Remind your Lead Pastor to order your Lay Minister License Certificate.
  7. PRESENT: Your pastor may want to introduce you to the church with your new license.  Plan to be accessible for in person and digital communication.
  8. MEETINGS: Your pastor may want you to meet monthly or weekly to coordinate your ministry.  You may also need to fill out a monthly report for your pastor or Board.

renewal of LAY MINISTER applicant process

  1. READ
    1. Read Manual 503-503.9.
    1. Contact your local Pastor and let them know your desire to start your licensing process so you can interview with the Pastor.
    2. Remind your local Pastor to schedule your Board interview before November 30th.
  3. FORMS: Turn in the following documents by mail by November 30th to the District Office.
    1. Application for a Lay Minister's License
    2. Request for Verification of Credential History
  4. INTERVIEW: Attend your Local Board Interview.  Your Local Board interview will be scheduled by the end of the November by your Lead Pastor.  Remember it is your responsibility to prepare and fill out your forms, inform your pastor on your process, and remind them to schedule your Local Board Interview.
  5. STUDY:
    1. Begin your Course of Study, if applicable, at the LA District Training Center or the Discipleship Place.  In your first year, TWO classes are required to renew.
  6. LICENSE: Remind your Lead Pastor to order your Lay Minister License Certificate.
  7. PRESENT: Your pastor may want to introduce you to the church with your new license.  Plan to be accessible for in person and digital communication.
  8. MEETINGS: Your pastor may want you to meet monthly or weekly to coordinate your ministry.  You may also need to fill out a monthly report for your pastor or Board.

called, not licensed

  1. IDEAS: If you are called to ministry, here's what you can do today.
    1. Write down your call
    2. Share your calling with others
    3. Review the licensing info and plan to get your local license
    4. Get a free account at Logos.com and begin added the monthly free books to your library
    5. Begin volunteering in areas you feel called and interested